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24 Aug | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Do you need a reason to travel and learn? Here are a few!

Going to conferences and exhibitions, wherever we travel enriches our adventure. Especially so if our multi-destination getaway takes place in Belize, Honduras or Costa Rica. I propose a cultural tour through some of the best cities for learning while you travel. Original exhibitions in Belize City I recommend starting this cultural adventure with a museum …


12 Aug | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Vous avez trop chaud ? Il est temps de se rafraîchir en visitant des grottes spectaculaires

Vous avez trop chaud ? Il est temps de se rafraîchir en visitant des grottes spectaculaires Vous voulez entreprendre l’aventure souterraine la plus excitante de votre vie ? Montrez vos talents pour traverser les cavités naturelles du sous-sol du Costa Rica et du Guatemala. Je vous propose une expédition de spéléologie à travers des grottes sauvages et …


4 Aug | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

The perfect route through Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama…21 dream days!

Do you travel every year with your friends looking for new experiences? An extensive route through Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama will be better than any previous adventure. I recommend the 21 dream days I lived in these three countries. Write down this itinerary. I promise it will also be the most exciting trip you …


26 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

How should the backpack of an adventurer in Central America be?

Are you travelling to Central America soon and don’t know what you should carry in your backpack to make your adventure unforgettable? Your first thought, a camera, is correct. Not capturing the beauty of its landscapes, its fine architecture or its unique traditions would be a mistake. Now, to become a great explorer you’ll need …


2 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Road to Wild 2

ROAD TO WILD "Two years ago we traveled to Central America to get to know Guatemala, Belize and Honduras, a trip that touched something inside us and changed our way of seeing the world. This year we had the incredible opportunity to return to know Dominican Republic, Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the trip ...


30 Jun | #MakesMeFeelAlive | No Comments

June Post: When is the best time to travel to Central America?

Central America is a fascinating and surprising destination throughout the year. However, although the countries in this region are not known for drastic changes in temperature from one season to another, there are some climatological differences that are worth knowing in order to plan your trip. Temperaturas en Centroamérica Central America enjoys a tropical, warm …


25 Jun | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments


DISCOVER CENTROAMÉRICA Places to dream THERE ARE PLACES YOU HAVE TO ENJOY Know the places, spaces and monuments that make up unparalleled routes throughout your journey and that will live forever in your retina, in your memory and in your heart.Dulce RiverAt the door of the Caribbean Sea, discover this refuge of migratory and native ...


13 Jun | #MakesMeFeelAlive | No Comments

Ressourcez-vous durant votre voyage d’affaires : adonnez-vous au « bleisure » dans ces lieux uniques du Costa Rica et du Panama

Vous voulez ajouter une piste bonus à vos déplacements professionnels en Amérique centrale ? Agrémentez vos journées de travail de quelques moments de détente en vous adonnant au bleisure, une tendance qui ne cesse de gagner en popularité. Je vous propose ces coins calmes pour vous débarrasser de toutes vos tensions au Costa Rica et au …


9 Jun | #MakesMeFeelAlive | No Comments

Werden Sie zum Entdecker im Great Blue Hole und an der Miskitoküste – zwei Paradiese für Liebhaber der Wissenschaft

Die Entdeckungen der Wissenschaft verleihen den Paradiesen der mittelamerikanischen Geographie noch mehr Bedeutung. Gleichzeitig vervielfachen sie die Mystik, die die alten Zivilisationen umgibt. Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was sich in dem rätselhaften Great Blue Hole von Belize verbirgt? Sind Sie nicht neugierig und möchten wissen, welche Überreste in der Weißen Stadt (Honduras) verborgen sind? …


1 Jun | #MakesMeFeelAlive | No Comments

Looking for #tasty flavours in Honduras and Nicaragua? You can’t go wrong with the carneada and the gallo pinto!

Is #tasty your most used hashtag in your networks? That means you like good food. Discover the tastiest dishes in Honduras and Nicaragua during your visit to Central America. Take food selfies of your delicacies, and become the king of hashtag with more flavour. Enjoy your meal! Bring the #delicious hashtag to life with the …



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