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7 Aug | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Los Volcanes National Park

La Joya de Cerén es un viaje a través de la Historia y el Misticismo de la cultura maya de Centroamérica. Cuando visites este parque, conocerás el estilo de vida del pueblo maya del siglo VII.


4 Aug | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Joya de Cerén

La Joya de Cerén es un viaje a través de la Historia y el Misticismo de la cultura maya de Centroamérica. Cuando visites este parque, conocerás el estilo de vida del pueblo maya del siglo VII.


23 Jul | #MakesMeFeelAlive | No Comments

Christianne Backpacking Bananas

The trip was an amazing thing. Its landscapes, its rich food and the friendliness of its people was the most I fell in love with each of the countries we visited. The Pulhapunzak falls were a total discovery and something that impressed me very much. I'm already trying to learn Spanish so I can go ...


18 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Visas and emergencies

Here you will find information about visas to access the Central American countries, as well as the Red Cross and Police contact numbers in each country. Visas and Immigration Check the information on consular visas. Visas to visit Belize. Visas to visit Costa Rica. Visas to visit El Salvador. Visas to visit Guatemala. Visas to ...


18 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Health information

Vaccinations and Prevention for travel to Central America: Before traveling to Central America, make sure you are up to date with all the recommended vaccines. Ask about routine immunizations when talking to a health professional about your trip. At the same time, find out about the medicines you might need for your destination. Other important ...


18 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

How to travel

Central America presents us with different ways of traveling within the region: international flights between the main airports in Central America, intraregional bus services, short distance taxis, and rental vehicles. Flying through Central America Central America offers regular flights with excellent prices and itineraries that connect the whole region. For the international and regional market, ...


14 Jul | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Sun and Beach

At no other place in the world does the sun shine with the intensity, beauty, and brilliance that it does in Central America; and, the isthmus enjoys incredible and magnificent coastlines on the Caribbean Sea and on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Belize offers beautiful natural formations along its 300-kilometer wonderful coastline in the Caribbean. ...


26 Jun | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Learning Spanish

Of course! Central America has reached a literary maturity and an idiomatic richness that is evident in writers of the stature of Rubén Darío, recognized as the Prince of Castilian Letters, who gave a new impetus to our language; Miguel Ángel Asturias, Nobel Prize for Literature; and, Augusto Monterroso, among others. Learning the sweet and ...


26 Jun | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

History and Mysticism

Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and the Mexican states of Yucatán, Campeche, Tabasco, Quintana Roo, and the eastern area of Chiapas, are the territorial areas where around six million descendants of the ancient Mayan culture live; and, it is precisely in our Central America where you will learn firsthand the route traced by this surprising ...


26 Jun | Makes Me Feel Alive | No Comments

Central America, Adventure

Flying over the trees, navigating the rapids of the uncontrollable rivers, climbing volcanoes, gliding on its slopes, pedaling its mountains, surfing the perfect waves of its beaches; all this is part of the Central American offer. In Belize you should explore the coral reef-declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Discover and marvel at ...



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