Suchitlán Lake or Cerrón Grande Reservoir, was created in the winter of 1976 with the construction of the Cerrón Grande Hydroelectric Power Plant, in the bed of the Lempa River. His name in Nahuatl means “Place of Flowers”. Although it is an artificial lake, it produces most of the country’s electricity. It has an area of 135 km2, with an altitude between 182 and 234 meters above sea level, which varies according to the time of year.
Numerous species of aquatic plants grow on the shores of the lake, and it is also the habitat of many birds and fish. There is an important variety of fauna, especially fish and waterfowl, that give it an ecological interest. The islands emerged after the construction of the Cerrón Grande reservoir. Its extension and number varies depending on the time of year, due to fluctuations in the height of the water level. Due to its importance in fishing, energy generation and conservation of wildlife, in 2005 it was declared as Cerrón Grande Wetland for its recovery and integrated management, as well as promoting the sustainable development of the surrounding municipalities.
Suchitlán Lake has become a tourist attraction and source of life for hundreds of fishermen and thousands of people in its surroundings. The waters of this lake are an excellent place for those who like to fish, observe birds, or wish to ride a boat or kayak among the nymphs and herons that adorn its waters, and in certain months of the year to observe migratory birds that rest in this place before they continue their flight to South America.
In addition, you can travel on the “La Luna” ferry, which has the capacity to transport four vehicles and up to 100 people, being the only means of transportation to cross vehicles from one part of the lake to another, and to shorten distances of several kilometers by land.