The Tenorio Volcano National Park is located in the Guanacaste Volcanic Mountain Range, and has several life zones such as low montane rain forest, very humid tropical forest, and very humid pre-montane forest. Its maximum altitude is 1,916 meters above sea level. The Tenorio Volcano has four volcanic cones that occupy an area of approximately 225 km2, and has been inactive since colonial times.
The flora and fauna, as well as the volcanic configuration, make up a very attractive site for the visitor. Among the most outstanding plant species are palms, ferns, bromeliads and orchids. Among the animals are the white-faced and howler monkeys, anteaters, pumas, tapirs, peccaries. Also, diversity of trogon birds and bell birds.
The park has a variety of rivers, streams and springs that supply more than twenty communities around it, as well as a variety of stunning landscapes and natural panoramic views. From there you can see the plains of the Pacific and the Caribbean, the plains of Guanacaste, the Arenal reservoir, the wind towers, the cattle ranches with forest patches, and the Miravalles and Tenorio massifs.
Among the main attractions of the park are the Rio Celeste Waterfall, the Poza Azul, the Pozo de la Muerte, the Hervideros or Borbollones (hot springs), the Teñidero, and the thermal waters. Particularly striking is rural life, with its production of dairy products (cheeses and others), pasture cultivation, agriculture, livestock, honey production and sugar cane sweets.
The park also offers parking, drinking water, latrines, accommodation for researchers, information for visitors, trails and viewpoints that allow you to enjoy its resources.
Entrance Fee: Residents: ¢800 / Foreigners: US$12
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