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Roatán - Honduras - Viajar - Seguridad - Centroamérica

3 important advantages of travelling to Central America at this time

Central America is currently one of the safest tourist destinations. Tourism in Central America means taking a multi-destination trip to several countries, where health...
Centroamérica y República Dominicana - COVID-19

Central America and the Dominican Republic Promote Digital Tourism in Light of COVID-19

The world has experienced an acceleration of digitization as a result of the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this scenario, the countries...
Aeropuertos países - Centroamérica

Airports of Central American Countries Scheduled to Restart Operations in August

The strategic position of the Central American region has turned it into a world-class logistics platform for the transport of cargo and passengers over...
Centroamérica - Valor turismo

Central America and the Dominican Republic Work to Revitalize the Tourism Value Chain

Central America and the Dominican Republic have worked continuously since March 2020 to address the impact of COVID-19 in the region. The Presidents of...
Sector turístico - turismo - reapertura - Centroamérica

Tourism Sector in the Region Prepares to Reopen the Industry with Biosafety Protocols

The world faces one of the most important challenges in modern history. The uncertainty generated by the impact of COVID-19 represents an opportunity to...
Biodiversity - Central America

Biodiversity in Central America: the destination for nature lovers

Do you love nature? I propose a multi-destination trip through Central American countries which will give you captivating moments. The rich biodiversity of Central...
Yaxhá - Centroamérica

What’s the triangle and why will it be the next trip you want to...

Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are the cradle of the Mesoamerican civilization par excellence. In fact, these three countries make up what is known as...
Traditions - Amerique Centrale

Coutumes et traditions typiques de l’Amérique centrale

Il existe des coutumes surprenantes en Amérique centrale. Je vous en présente quelques-unes que vous trouverez au Nicaragua, au Honduras et au Panama. En participant...
Vogelarten - Nationalpark

Pico Bonito-Nationalpark: mehr als 400 Vogelarten

Der höchste Gipfel des Nombre de Dios-Gebirges in El Porvenir gibt einem der Schätze Honduras, dem Pico Bonito-Nationalpark, seinen Namen. Wanderwege wie der Río...
Arco volcánico - Centroamérica

Der mittelamerikanische Vulkanbogen, der die ganze Welt fasziniert

Der mittelamerikanische Vulkanbogen ist ein spektakuläres Gebiet, das sich über 1.500 Kilometer erstreckt. Er ist Teil des pazifischen Feuerrings, der seismisch und vulkanisch sehr...

