Sala de prensa

Die Ngöbe-Buglé, die Garifuna und die Náhuatl-Pipil: Ethnien, die mittelamerikanische Kulturschätze...

Ein Besuch der ethnischen Gruppen in El Salvador, Honduras und Panama ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, die Traditionen dieser Länder kennen zu lernen. Ethnische...

Explorez les merveilles cachées de l’Amérique centrale : un paradis sous-marin...

Si vous voulez profiter des plus beaux paysages marins au monde, vous devez absolument vous rendre en Amérique centrale. Découvrez, dans cet article, plusieurs...

Savour Central American cuisine: three typical dishes for those who love...

Créditos de la fotografía Central American cuisine is gaining popularity all over the world. Each dish is a journey through time, a fusion of...

Conoce Centroamérica desde la magia de sus pueblos originarios: una región...

Los pueblos indígenas de Centroamérica han procurado preservar su historia y costumbres originarias. Por eso, en la actualidad, puedes visitar pueblos indígenas en Centroamérica...

Dive into an adventure of flavours: discover Central America’s typical drinks...

Thinking about your next trip? In this article, we are going to talk about the typical Central American drinks that you cannot miss when...

Central America: a destination for ecotourism

Ecotourism is now more fashionable than ever. There are many people, like you, who choose sustainable routes for the lowest impact on the destinations...
Adéntrate en la civilización maya en Guatemala, Belice, Honduras y El Salvador

Embark on a Journey through the Mayan World in Guatemala, Belize,...

The enigmatic legacy of the Mayan civilisation thrives in Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. Embark on a multi-destination journey that allows you to...
Una oficina frente al mar, en plena naturaleza o en una ciudad colonial

An office overlooking the sea, nestled amidst nature, or situated in...

Working with idyllic beaches as your backdrop amidst the splendour of a colonial city or in the heart of nature is the dream hundreds...
¿Te atreves a surfear por un volcán en Centroamérica?

Ready to Ride the Waves of a Central American Volcano?

Here is a tip for the more adventurous! Besides walking, flying, or taking a boat, there's another way to immerse yourself in the wonders...
El mejor lugar para volar libre, al sol y al viento

The Ultimate Destination for Soaring Freedom in Sun and Breeze

Among the various options for nature activities in Central America and the Dominican Republic, zip-lining is one of the most thrilling experiences. This region...

