Sala de prensa

Dominikanische Republik, El Salvador und Belize: Warum sind diese Länder das...

Die Zahl der digitalen Nomaden in Zentralamerika wächst stetig. Die Länder in dieser Region wollen neue Coworking Spaces  anbieten und entwickeln die notwendigeInfrastruktur, um...

Ce ne sont pas des ruines ! Merveilles mayas au Belize,...

Voyager en Amérique centrale est l'une de ces expériences dont vous vous souviendrez toute votre vie. Si vous vous demandez ce qu'il faut voir...

Central America boasts more than 100 volcanoes and 1500 km of...

The Dominican Republic also offers attractions for lovers of active tourism and adventure. The Dominican Republic also offers attractions for lovers of active tourism and...

Want to go hiking near the volcanos in Guatemala, Nicaragua and...

Prepare to experience an unbeatable adventure in Central America! If you love nature and you want the excitement of exploring volcanic landscapes, you can’t...

Indigenous and Afro-Caribbean peoples of Panama, Honduras and Nicaragua. Their culture...

Knowing a little more about the culture of the countries you visit is a perfect way to better understand the experiences you are going...

Les joyaux sous-marins d’Amérique centrale : explorez les impressionnants récifs coralliens...

La grande barrière de corail offre des expériences uniques pour profiter de la plongée sous-marine en Amérique centrale. Ces pays disposent d'une grande richesse...

Experience the thrill of extreme sports in Honduras, Nicaragua and the...

Fancy doing extreme sports in Central America and the Dominican Republic? This part of the world offers countless opportunities for the intrepid. We are...

Drei ausgefallene Reiseziele in Panama, Belize und der Dominikanischen Republik

Planen Sie Ihre nächste Reise, um alle archäologischen Stätte in Mittelamerika zu entdecken? Sie werden zweifellos ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit mehreren Reisezielen genießen. Lesen...

Explore ancestral flavours in Panama, Belize and El Salvador

Are you familiar with the cuisine in Panama, Belize and El Salvador? Read on as we are going to explain these countries’ typical dishes. We...
Laguna Lachúa - Guatemala

Central America and Dominican Republic offer tourism aligned with indigenous economic...

Environmental protection, gastronomy with ingredients from local producers or the preservation of the traditions of indigenous peoples are some of the pillars of sustainable...

