Sala de prensa
Masaya Volcano - Central America

From the impossible to a volcano, a journey you’ll never forget!

From the impossible to a volcano, a journey you’ll never forget! The natural heritage of Central America is one of its main treasures. Breathing fresh...
Vogelarten - Nationalpark

Pico Bonito-Nationalpark: mehr als 400 Vogelarten

Der höchste Gipfel des Nombre de Dios-Gebirges in El Porvenir gibt einem der Schätze Honduras, dem Pico Bonito-Nationalpark, seinen Namen. Wanderwege wie der Río...
Traditions - Amerique Centrale

Coutumes et traditions typiques de l’Amérique centrale

Il existe des coutumes surprenantes en Amérique centrale. Je vous en présente quelques-unes que vous trouverez au Nicaragua, au Honduras et au Panama. En participant...
Yaxhá - Centroamérica

What’s the triangle and why will it be the next trip...

Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are the cradle of the Mesoamerican civilization par excellence. In fact, these three countries make up what is known as...
Gastronomía Centroamérica - Ceviche

Bring your Instagram to life with photos of dishes from Costa...

Are you a fan of #instafood? With these dishes you will multiply your hearts on Instagram. Start a culinary trail through Costa Rica, El...
Biodiversity - Central America

Biodiversity in Central America: the destination for nature lovers

Do you love nature? I propose a multi-destination trip through Central American countries which will give you captivating moments. The rich biodiversity of Central...
Fiesta, playa y más - Vive una aventura increíble en Costa Rica y Honduras en tu despedida de soltero

Party, beaches and more. Celebrate your bachelor party with an incredible...

Organizing your bachelor party? Think about booking a double destination. Costa Rica and Honduras offer you happiness in spades. Toast to your wedding on...

Community-Tourismus in Mittelamerika: Wohin?

Möchten Sie einmal ganz andere Reisetipps für Mittelamerika kennenlernen? Wie wäre es damit, die Lebensbedingungen lokaler Gemeinschaften in Guatemala, Honduras und Panama zu verbessern?...
Café - Cacao - Honduras - Costa Rica

Feel like an islander drinking a cup of real cocoa or...

Coffee tourism is fashionable. Do you love to see incredible places through the roasted and ground beans that are grown in their lands? Then...
cuanto sabes sobre la cultura

All about the ethnic groups in Central America and their characteristics

One of the most striking things about Central America is the diversity of its people. It is possible to find different ethnic and tribal...

